Amazing Tips On How To Use Coupons
Would you like to cut down your shopping bill regularly? Do you spend more than you should be spending? You came to the right place because the article below offers you many beneficial money saving tips that will show you how to properly use coupons.
If you do your online research, there are several couponing websites you can go to find the best deals on coupons on all of your favorite items. You may even be able to clip that coupon that will get you some free items to have you saving a whole lot at the checkout.
Before using a coupn, really look to make sure you are getting the best savings. Sometimes, it can be more cost effective to buy the store brand, instead. Do not assume that the coupon gives you the best deal.
Keep your coupon organizer up to date. At least monthly, you should go through your stock and toss any expired coupons. If you wish, you can donate the coupons to overseas military families. Coupons can be used for several months after their expiration dates, so even if you cannot use them, they could.
Make sure you use coupons in conjunction with store sales. This can boost your savings. Most coupons are good for at least 3 months, so save your coupons until the next sale. You can save a tremendous amount of money when you do this.
Purchase a good-quality binder for all of your coupons. You will need to purchase several sheet protectors to hold your coupons. In addition to sheet protectors, you will also need dividers to organize your binder. Use these dividers for each type of coupon or each aisle in your grocery store.
Look for like-minded individuals to help you share in saving money with coupons. Sometimes a friend might have a coupon for an item that you really want, and you can trade them for something you may have that interests them. This makes saving money on the things you want much easier.
Understand grocery pricing in general. You may think that getting a coupon means you are getting great savings, but sometimes that isn’t the case. Know what the price of the item is in the first place, and keep an eye on price-comparison websites that can give you a general idea of what the products are really worth.
When using your coupons, try to find stores that will double or triple them. Some stores do this on a regular basis, while others offer special offers for a particular week or weekend. By doing this, you can save twice as much on your purchases. Just keep your eye on the local newspapers to find out who is offering doubles or triples and when.
Target the smaller sizes on the grocery shelf to maximize your coupon. The reduction in size also carries a reduction in initial price. When you reduce your unit cost, you save more in the long run. This will let you control your usage of products better overall as well.
You don’t have to waste costly color ink printing coupons on your home printer. If you have an inkjet printer, you can set your preferences to print in black and white or simply remove the color cartridge. This way, everything will print in black and white. Retail establishments will still accept these non-colored coupons.
Shop at the store with the most sales. Go where your coupons take you. Don’t just stick to one store. By doing most of your shopping in one place, you are likely to be missing out on some great deals. To save the most money, get out of your comfort zone and shop around.
A good coupon tip you can use is to find out whether a store offers what many people know as a “double coupon day”. On this day consumers will get double the deal that they get when they present their coupons. This is a great way of saving even more money.
If you have a ton of coupons to use in a store, warn any customers who may be behind you in line. The cashier, especially a novice cashier, may take a lot of time to get through all of those coupons. One mistake can add multiple minutes to get a manager to fix the issue. Letting those around you know about your coupons is just good practice.
Keep an eye out for stores that accept competitor coupons. Some stores will match prices and take coupons regardless of the store the coupon was made for. Be aware of stores like these. If you happen to be at one, go ahead and use your coupons rather than going around to several different stores.
Find a friend or two who also likes to clip coupons, and get together for a coupon swap. You’ll find that you can give them the coupons that you don’t need in exchange for the ones you use. In addition, if each of you purchased a different newspaper, you can meet to sort through the different coupons found in the inserts.
To save at restaurants with coupons, be sure to read the fine print before heading out to eat. You might have a 25 percent off coupon, but make sure that it’s not limited to, say, Sunday afternoons or Tuesday nights. This will save you from an embarrassing moment when the check comes.
Figure count size when determining which size will net you the best deal. For example, if you have a coupon for one dollar off a pack of toilet tissue. Check the unit price on the shelf tag for each size/count. With this information you can decide which package is the better deal.
To find a lot of money-saving coupons, check out the insert in the Sunday newspaper. In a lot of editions, the coupons are all in the same plastic sleeve (maybe with the comics). Open that sleeve, and you’ll usually find two or three booklets consisting only of coupons and their ads.
Coupons are great for everyone. It is easy to save plenty of money that really adds up when couponing. Utilize the tips and techniques shown above for maximum savings.