How to Make Sure if Your Rental Application is Approved

A common question that renters often wonder is how to make sure their rental application is approved. Before you begin the application process, you need to decide what type of rental property you are looking for. Some rentals may be easier to find than others, but there are some things that most landlords and tenants should expect when applying for a rental property.

Cover Letters

Cover letters can be used for multiple purposes, from applying for a job to submitting a rental application. A cover letter is a few paragraphs long, so you can share some information about your goals with the landlord & encourage them to consider you.

Include All Required Documentation

It is important to understand that all of the required documentation will be submitted with your rental application, and they may want you to provide additional information before they make a determination. It’s best to prepare these documents much earlier so the renter doesn’t end up waiting too long while trying to find an agent.

Before applying for a new rental property, it’s best to have as many prepared documents as possible. This will make things easier for those involved in your application process if you’re chosen and the person who is reviewing your papers.

If you are a student residing in Pullman, Washington, make it a point to opt for Pullman student apartments with tenant-friendly policies to ensure your rental application is accepted without any hassle.

Know What Landlords Are Expecting from A Potential Tenant

Here are some of the things that landlords are frequently looking for when assessing an application.


For example, many landlords prefer you to move in during the spring or summer months to reduce the risk of water and dirt contamination in their properties. You could let them know that they will be better off letting you into their home before winter.

5 Ways to Get Your Rental Application Approved - RentCafe rental blog

Responsible Tenants

Ensure that you have two letters of reference on hand when applying for your potential landlord, as they will serve as a valuable tool in proving your skillset. Make sure that one is written by someone in a similar field.

The Number of People Who Live On the Property

Landlords want to know that the number of people living in their properties is limited and will reduce liability risks. They also want to know that residents are of a similar age and income level. If you’re moving into a new apartment, there are many things to consider. It’s best to read this article before to avoid any unpleasant surprises after moving in.

Raise your Credit in Advance

Credit is necessary to build a good rental application. If you have good credit, there’s nothing to worry about. Otherwise, improving your credit score means taking action specifically on your credit history or by getting a secured loan.

Review your credit report, find out where you have credit card debt. Consider how to repair your credit by paying off debts and making payments on time moving forward. Find a co-signer on your lease and have a responsible adult sign it in order to avoid any potential difficulties later.

If you have bad credit, you may be eligible to rent an apartment without a co-signer. But be prepared to take some extra steps, such as drafting in a co-signer. Co-signers are individuals who, in a document, sign their names with the author’s name. When drafting a co-signer into a document, make sure that you spell out the name of your co-signer and provide their contact information.

Secure A Guarantor Or Two

If you’ve never rented before or you have a track record of poor rental payments, finance companies typically offer to provide the lease agreement instead. The person who will provide the lease is called a guarantor. They can be a strong validation to your rental application if you’re moving out of home for the first time.

If you don’t have the credit or don’t want to postpone renting an apartment, your parents can act as guarantors & they may also be able to vouch for friends or family members who have good credit and the income required. Your guarantor should also submit the same applications.

Online Application

To submit your application online with the real estate agency or property manager, make sure you save a digital copy of your documents beforehand. Only send the application after attending an inspection. It can be hard to find space in popular school towns during the busy season, but you can use this to your advantage by applying when they are less besieged. For example, apply during the winter for summer hotspots and reduce the chances of being turned down by a popular university town.

Bottom Line

Follow up with the property manager or agent after submitting your application if they do not respond within a few days. Tell the property owner how much you love their property. If not, you can always submit an application for another property listed on the website.