Not all guaranteed offers are created equal. Unfortunately, there are some online businesses that try to pull the wool over your eyes with super-low guaranteed offer that really aren’t worth the headache. But fear not, because we have got a few tips to help prevent yourself from falling victim to common myths and truths and scare tactics you should know about before making that important purchase decision.

The Guaranteed Offer is Legally Binding

The first myth about the guaranteed offer is that it is not legally binding. The truth is that the guaranteed offer is legally binding, but only if you sign it within 30 days of receiving it. If you don’t sign it within 30 days, then you can rescind your acceptance of the offer at any time before your contract is completed and you have paid off all obligations under the contract (usually within 60 days).

We Don’t Want to Sell Your Home for a Low Price

There are several Myths and a Truths about my guaranteed offer. We don’t want to sell your home for a low price. Here are the myths and the truth:

Myth: A low guaranteed offer will help me get a higher offer than if I had a higher one.

Truth: No, it won’t. A low my guaranteed offer will not attract more offers than an equal priced one. The only difference is that you can get your home sold at a lower price than you could with a higher offer.

Myth: If I make my property look good, people will be more likely to buy it.

Truth: No, they won’t unless they are forced to because of their lender’s requirements or the market conditions have changed significantly since they last looked at your property.

Guaranteed Offer Program

You Have Nothing To Lose By Seeing What We Can Do For You

A lot of people think that if they call a Guaranteed Offer company, then they will get an immediate response and be given an offer within hours or days. This is not true! While some companies do have quick response times, most of these companies do not give out guarantees unless you have already been approved for another loan with them before requesting a guarantee letter.

Many people believe that if their credit score is less than perfect and their income is low enough then they can qualify for loans with no money down or minimal down payments. This is also not true! Even though a guaranteed loan may be cheaper than a cash loan, this does not mean it will be easier to pay off the debts.

Guaranteed Home Sales Help Sellers Get A Full-Price Offer

Myth: If a buyer doesn’t accept my offer, he must have asked for too much money!

Truth: There are many reasons why a buyer might not accept your offer; they may be trying to negotiate with other agents or lenders, they might not have enough money in their budget right now, or they might not want to move at all right now.